AshClassification: Hardwood Ash, which is moderately hard, is comparatively light for its strength. It is an open-grained, straight-grained wood. In appearance, it is similar to plain sawn Oak except that it has no visible medullary rays. Its color is pale brown in the heartwood and nearly white in the sapwood. |
BeechClassification: Hardwood Beech is a moderately heavy, fairly hard, closed-grained, even-textured wood with a straight, interlocking grain. The sapwood is white and the heartwood varies from reddish-brown to almost white. Short pencil-like lines run throughout the wood. Beech is very consistent in color and figure. It is popular for clear finishes. |
BirchClassification: Hardwood Birch is a moderately heavy, beautiful, closed-grained, uniformly textured wood. In both yellow and sweet varieties, the sapwood is of light color while the heartwood is brown with a reddish tinge. Some of the grain is highlighted with a curly or wavy pattern. It is versatile and has an appearance similar to Maple. It is suitable for staining or clear coating, making it very popular due to the ease of finishing. |
CherryClassification: Hardwood Cherry is a hard, straight, close-grained wood. The heartwood varies in color from light to dark red. The sapwood is narrow and light. Cherry is a very strong, shock-resistant wood. It polishes very smoothly and finishes well. When finished with oil, it takes on a characteristic cherry color. When clear-coated, it displays a strong figure and turns a deep, rich reddish-brown color over time. |
HickoryClassification: Hardwood Hickory is an open-grained, even-textured wood. It is a hard, heavy wood with random natural streaks that add unique accents to any room. The heartwood of Hickory is reddish-brown and the sapwood is nearly white. Hickory can provide a rugged or rich look to your cabinetry. |
MahoganyClassification: Hardwood Mahogany is a medium open-grained, silky textured, medium weight wood. It has the reputation of having all the characteristics that make an ideal cabinet wood. It is easily worked with both hand and machine tools; fastens well with nails, screws, and glue; takes finishes well; resists warping; and does not shrink or swell to any great extent when exposed to changing temperature and climatic conditions. Mahogany ranges in color from light pink to a rich golden brown or amber, with some pieces showing a much deeper red or brown. Mahogany can give an elegant and stylish look to any cabinetry project. |
Maple (Select)
Paint Grade HardwoodClassification: Hardwood Paint Grade Hardwood has a large variation of color and grain. While being a solid, durable hardwood with no voids or splits, it is best suited for opaque finishes. |
Pine (Select)Classification: Softwood Select Pine is a strong, tough, hard wood. The heartwood is pale brown to pale pinkish-brown in color with dark brown flecks caused by large resin canals. The sapwood is usually off-white, light, soft, easily worked, and has very good dimensional stability. It takes all kinds of finish well. |
Pine (Knotty)Classification: Softwood Knotty Pine is a softwood, white-to-cream colored with streaks of reddish-brown highlights and tight red knots. The knots range from large to small, and are relatively sturdy. The sapwood is soft and uniform in texture. It takes all kinds of finish well. It works well with hand and machine tools, but is low in shock-resistance. |
Red Oak
White Oak
WalnutClassification: Hardwood Walnut is a semi-closed, straight grained, heavy hardwood that is renowned for its strength, hardness and durability. The heartwood is chocolate brown. The sapwood ranges from creamy white to gray. It can be finished to a high polish and will darken with age, becoming more elegant as time passes. Due to its strength and resistance to warping, along with its workability and natural beauty of figure and grain, Walnut is an ideal cabinet wood. |